January and February are usually the best months weatherwise here in Phuket. We try and design to take advantage
of this.
Fountains are cooling and great feng shui here. The seating areas in most of the homes tend to blend as seemlessly as possible from inside to outside. Seating/lounge areas are placed just about everywhere even in the water! These fun terrazzo egg seats are from an artist in Vietnam, they came in a wonderful array of colours.
Somethings in the garden to look at as one cools their toes. These sandstone heads are made in Vietnam but are modeled on a Cambodian King and Queen from yesteryear.
A fun gift of South African cranes make me smile every morning!
Cushions bring some colour to the polish concrete and white of this outdoor sitting area.

The black murano glass chandelier links the cushions as well as the cool black interior wall.
I love these iridescent mosaic tiles, depending on what colour you accent with they tend to enhance and reflect it.
Above is the beginning....

As the accent colours became bolder downstairs....this hot pink seemed a natural progression.
A great blow up picture of the room's owner on vinyl, as this bed sized swing is outside on a big veranda. It all began with the fun hot pink chandelier that couldn't be resisted!