Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Inspiration for the Taj Mahal Discovered

In one of the areas of the lost city of Mandu sits the tomb of Houshang Shah. The Taj Mahal is said to be based on this very building just 150 years or so later. Said to be the first white marble building in India, heavily influenced by Afghan architecture of the era, it still stands in stunning beauty. Located in the complex of the Jami Masjid Mosque the intricate details in the carved marble are amazing.......over 550 years old, a very real treasure of  India. These pictures donot begin to do it justice.


Unknown said...

Just amazing. Imagine the construction with all that stonework. Thanks for the peek.

Glamour Drops said...

Just beautiful - and really interesting to know that it came first. Even though the stone is such a monotone, there is plenty of interest from the carvings and wonderful shapes, I reckon.

Reggie Darling said...

Heather, I am very much enjoying these stunning photographs of your visit to India. The images are gorgeous, haunting, and lushly beautiful. And beautifully photographed. I long to visit India, and your posts have intensified such a desire. Thanks, Reggie