Monday, November 23, 2009

Loving This Green Idea.... GLOVE LOVE!

As a Fab over Fifty type from a cold clime, I do not know how many pairs of mittens and gorgeous gloves I have lost just ONE of over the years.   When I was old enough to afford a nice pair of kid gloves, of course one of the first things that happened was one dropped out of my lap quietly into the snow as I popped out of a car. This is one of the saddest and most predicable things of being a Canadian. Today on Daily Candy London they came up with this very GREEN idea.... GLOVE LOVE.

Now for SOCKS!

Check below for the complete post from Daily Candy... do make sure you check the site for the Piano Glove Story narrated by Emma Thompson it's very cute and will make you save your ONE glove for sure!

No Glove Lost
Glove Love Launches

glove love!

Attractive single seeks warm, cuddly and vivacious mate for hot dates, hand-holding and making sweet love.
We all deserve a perfect match. So do lonely gloves. (On their own they really are worthless.)
Which is why the lovely people at Green Thing have taken matters into their own hands. Their new initiative, Glove Love, rescues single gloves from Dumpsville, cleans them and finds them a partner, resulting in a quirky new pair. They might look mismatched, but it’s rather charming — and ecofriendly.
A mere £5 gets you a good-as-new set of hand-warmers adorned with a Green Thing label.
It’s a real glove story.
Available online at

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