Thursday, March 10, 2011

Phuket Colours at 28/10

The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most. - John Ruskin

                                courtesy of  today's post  by

Still trying to finish up this recolouring job at 28/10  I would rather just be like Puss Puss or Ling Ling!

The pops of very bright pink do make me smile though......


Hellohello baby said...

I love colors, but most of all I love that quote!

Have a nicesest of day!

Renée Finberg said...

i think it is fun as well.
i am sorry i have been absent....
i am trying to get a few things going and work is difficult!

but xx's to you!

Unknown said...

The quote is so true and the images beautiful!
Thank you!